Thursday 15 May 2014



We are about to start our second week here in Romania! We will move from Targus Mures to Tarneveni, to be closer to where we work. Here are a couple pictures and captions to let you know what we are up to!

We have been hearing the word "asa" (sounds like "Asha" a lot since we got here, so Lish decided to finally ask what it means in English. It means "this way, not that way" as if trying to correct someone. Now we understood- we were doing everything the wrong way, not the right way so we are always being told "asha." Funny moment for us. Here is an example of asha being used: our host family is always telling us to wear slippers on our feet because the ground is cold so they got us each a pair! So stylish! :-)

Here is one of the kids we work with. We were making pipe cleaner animals with googly eyes.

This is the bus stop we were dropped off at to wait for Libero to pick us up. Yep, it was in the middle of nowhere.

We baked some cookies for the volunteers and we had a BBQ in our backyard. They were a hit! Very sugary and the colors we're a bit fluorescent....

Yesterday we went downtown to see what was happening! All of the NGOs in the area each have a tent to display the work they are doing. Buckner had their own tent and we got a video of the team during the march around the square!
Here's a link to a sweet video! Check it out! 


  1. Amazing !!!!Sending lotsof prayers !!!
    Loved reading this !!!

  2. Lish & good to hear things are going well. Also thank you for sharing what 'asa' means. I am sure I have had that word directed at me more than a couple times. Be good and trust God's plan!
